Let's fuckin' do it Romania!

miercuri, 18 august 2010

18.08.2010 In Flames - The quiet place - 

Cum am prezentat in ultimul post pe Dark tranquillity, m-am decis sa raman in aceeasi scena metal si anume scena  Gothenburg metal si va prezint de data aceasta pe a 2 trupa reprezentativa din cele 3 mari nume suedeze(In flames, Dark tranquillity si At the gates). Chiar daca In Flames nu ar mai avea nevoie de nici o prezentare totusi o sa incerc o mica biografie a trupei.

In Flames este o trupa suedeza de melodic death metal, infiintata in 1990. Totusi primul album a aparut doar in 1993 - Lunar strain- album ce are ca special guest pe Mikael Stanne nimeni altul decat solistul de la Dark Tranquillity, pe Oscar Dronjak nimeni altul decat membru fondator HammerFall. Trupa a scos pe piata 9 albume si un DVD Live.

Piese prezentata aici The quiet place face parte de pe album Soundtrack to your escape(2004-2005). Piesa a ajuns pana pe locul 2 in topurile suedeze de muzica.

And the lyrics...

Spinning further, deeper
I know you're out to try me
I'm not in this to be a slave
Push the dirt, make me feel
Locate what swallows life
Night bird you build my world

..and then I close my eyes
..and then I close my eyes

Judge me now
Used to be afraid to let it show, bow down
A king in my own mind
Everything's in place so much brighter from today

Drown the monster
Make all bad dreams go away
Whatever it takes to keep running free
Open scars, the quiet place
All the bridges fall to the ground and you say you sacrificed

..and then I close my eyes
..and then I close my eyes

Judge me now
Used to be afraid to let it show, bow down, bow down!
A king in my own mind
Everything's in place so much brighter from today
A king in my own mind

Judge me now
A king in my own mind
Judge me now
A king in my own mind

Judge me now
Used to be afraid to let it show, Bow down, bow down!
A king in my own mind
Everything's in place so much brighter from today
A king in my own mïnd

Enjoy...Nu injurati prea mult piesa...:D sunt zeci de piese ce puteau fi alese, azi asta imi face placere sa o ascult...poate maine sa fie behind space

Till next time...

3 comentarii:

  1. misto misto. maine sper sa vad alta piesa la fel de buna. numa vezi ca in flames are in total mai multe albume un pic, iar lunar strain e din 94 nu din 93 ;)

  2. lunar strain e din 1993-1994! au inceput in 1993 de lucru si l-au finalizat in 1994. Mno si corecteaza-ma daca gresesc: 1. Lunar Strain 1994, 2. The Jester Race 1996, 3.Whoracle 1997, 4. Colony 1999, 5.Clayman 2000, 6.Reroute to remain 2002, 7.Soundtrack to your escape 2004, 8. Come Clarity 2006, 9. A sense of purpose 2008
    Io numar 9!

  3. mai au inca 3 extended plays si un live, de asta am zis in total mai mult de 9, in rest e ok
