Let's fuckin' do it Romania!

marți, 21 septembrie 2010

Chiar daca vara s-a cam dus dracu si se apropie iarna(si asa e bine :)) ) am pregatit aici o piesa, defapt un super summer song, pe care sa il ai la tine in cd player in masina blana in drum spre vama :D

Piesa incepe cu "We thank you people for being around,supporting volbeat with love and hellfire" Deci cred ca deja ati ghicit ca e vorba de trupa Volbeat. Piesa intradevar poate nu este cunoscuta si asta doar din cauza ca este de pe proaspatul album scos Beyon Hell/Above Heaven.

Si acuma sa ii dam drumu cu un pic de info. Asadar trupa Volbeat isi are originea in peninsula si mai anume in Danemarca uite chiar din Copenhaga. Totul a inceput in anul 2001. Deci daca sunteti un fan rockabily sau rock'n roll sau heavy sau daca va place Metallica, Social Distorsion, Elvis Presley sau chiar Johnny Cash atunci recomand sa mai cautati piese Volbeat. Si acuma sa facem cunostinta cu Volbeat si adica, vocalul si chitaristul Michael Poulsen, basistul Anders Kjolholm, chitaristul Thomas Bredahl si tobarul John Larsen.
Numele trupei se inspira dupa numele albumului Vol. Beat ce apartine lui Michael Poulsen former's band Dominus. Vol inseamna volum si Beat inseamna...hmm nu stiu cautati si voi...

And the versuri...

We thank you people for being around
Supporting Volbeat with love and hell fire
Gu fanden do we care
You're all our brothers, sisters and our babies
Going out on the streets again with open arms and fists
Sweating out all the whiskey tømmermænd
And the pain that comes with it
But we know who we are and more
Protectors of this band - oh oh oh oh
And we know we're not alone anymore
We got supporters in this rock'n'roll band
This song's for all the ones who's singing out loud
Yeah! We make a lot of noise
Refuse to sit down and be tamed
We still think that we owe you some
So we're making a lot of noise
We sing it out loud we sing it out proud
I sacrificed all the things that we had
Just to do this thing
Not even money for some glue
So we hang all the posters up with jam
But we know who we are and more
Protectors of this band - oh oh oh oh
And we know we're not alone anymore
We got supporters in this rock'n'roll band
This song's for all the ones who's singing out loud
Yeah! We make a lot of noise
Refuse to sit down and be tamed
We still think that we owe you some
So we're making a lot of noise
We sing it out loud we sing it out proud
We thank you people for being around
Supporting Volbeat with love and hell fire
Gu fanden do we careYou're all our brothers, sisters and our babies
So when you singing this song out loud
Remember it's for you, for helvede we are proud
Let's all have a beer you're all our brothers, sisters and our babies
This song's for all the ones who's singing out loud
Yeah! We make a lot of noise
Refuse to sit down and be tamed
We still think that we owe you some
So we're making a lot of noise
We sing it out loud we sing it out proud

Si piesa...

Si pana data viitoare...
P.S. Am scris pe romana ca sa nu inteleaga nimica vizitatorii straini :))

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